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Lake Stevens Soccer Club



February 2024

Article I: Name, Affiliation and Jurisdiction

1.       The name of this organization shall be the Lake Stevens Soccer Club, herein referred to as “LSSC” or the “club”.
2.       LSSC shall be affiliated with the Lake Stevens Junior Athletic Association, herein referred to as “LSJAA”, its parent organization.
3.       LSSC shall have the jurisdiction for the development and promotion of soccer within the geographic area as established by LSJAA.

Article II: Purpose

1.       The purpose of LSSC shall be to provide soccer sporting activities to the youth of the greater Lake Stevens area, to teach soccer skills and sportsmanship to LSSC participants, and to provide an avenue for players to compete within the Washington State Youth Soccer Association (WSYSA) system.

2.       LSSC shall provide recreational division (club) playing opportunities for its participants.

3.       LSSC shall provide soccer facilities for its participants.

Article III: Participants

1.       Participants shall be boys and girls from the greater Lake Stevens area between the ages of 4 and 18.

2.       It shall be the responsibility of the officers of LSSC to attempt to find a playing opportunity for every child at the recreational level. All youth will be eligible to play regardless of race, religion, or income. No youth will be denied the opportunity to play due to financial reasons (inability to pay sign-up fees).

Article IV: Officers

The Executive Board of the Lake Stevens Soccer Club shall be voted on by the voting members of LSSC at their annual election meeting and shall commence their term of office on January 1st. The President; Secretary shall be elected in even years.  The Registrar; Treasurer; and Rockets Director shall be elected in odd years. Three (3) Board Members at Large may be elected to serve for a 2 year term upon election year.

Section 1: The Executive Board

The Executive Board shall consist of the President; Secretary; Treasurer; Registrar; Rockets Director, and Members at Large.

A quorum of five (5) positions must be present for any motion or vote.

1.       The Executive Board, as part of its day to day operation of LSSC, may hire contract employees to fill critical operating positions of LSSC in the event that no volunteer may be found.

2.       Contract positions must be open to the general public for competitive bid.

3.       Position must be posted, for 30 days prior to being filled, in a local news publication such as the Lake Stevens Journal.

4.       Position criteria to be determined by the Executive Board based on position responsibilities as established by the position description contained under Executive Board Member duties.

5.       In the event that any Executive Board position becomes a monetary compensated position, said position shall no longer be a member of the Executive Board or Board of Directors of LSSC and will have no vote at any meeting conducted by LSSC.

Duties of the Executive Board:

In addition to the responsibilities listed below, all board members are expected to perform the following activities when requested:

·         Initial Practice/Game Field Lining
·         Weekend closure of the fields during game season
·         End of year cleanup/closeout at the end of the season
·         Establish the Club Budget at the beginning of each year (typically January)

1.       President shall:

1.       Preside at all regular and special meetings;
2.       Represent LSSC on the Board of Lake Stevens Junior Athletic Association (LJSAA);
3.       Appoint a Board member of his/her choice to represent LSSC as the “Member at Large’ for (LSJAA) meetings.
4.       Have the authority to fill vacant Officer positions, subject to approval of the Board of Directors;
5.       Approve the appointment of volunteer positions;
6.       Be one of the signatories authorized for drafts on the Club treasury; and
7.       Appoint special committees and chairperson, subject to approval of the Executive Board;
8.       Acquire, distribute and maintain equipment needs of LSSC;
9.       Present Solicitations of bids and contracts to the board for approval. 
10.    Vote at Executive Board meetings only to break a tie vote.

2.       Secretary shall:

1.       Maintain all minutes and correspondence of the organization; and
2.       Make copies of meeting minutes to be distributed for approval at the next meeting.
3.       Assist registrar in placing advertisements for registration
4.       Reserve location for coaches meetings
5.       Schedule Picture day, time and location and team scheduling for the event


3.       Treasurer shall:

1.       Maintain the books of account of LSSC;
2.       Collect all moneys due to the organization;
3.       Make proper disbursements associated with LSSC;
4.       Maintain LSSC bank accounts;
5.       Report on the status of the budget at each Qtr. End; Be one of the signatories authorized for drafts on the Club treasury;
6.       Report to and follow the financial guidelines as established by the LSJAA Treasurer, and;
7.       Have financial books available at all times for any LSJAA audit.


4.   Club Registrar shall:

1.       Organize and preside over LSSC registrations;
2.       Be responsible for correct registrations and team placement of all players;
3.       Provide North County all information required on teams, coaches, and players.  This includes proper placement advice on division placement for teams;
4.       Implementation, coordination and accuracy of all RMA’s (Risk Management Program), in accordance with WSYSA requirements; and
5.       Provide each coach a roster of players, and;
6.       Maintain birth certificates on all active players in the soccer club;
7.       Attendance at all North County scheduling meetings;
8.       Ordering of Mod/Rec Uniforms
9.       Responsible for recruiting coaches for Mod/Rec Programs

5.       Rockets Director shall:

1.       Be in charge of the Rocket division  (U5-U7) of LSSC;
2.       Handle all complaints pertaining to division;
3.       Setup Rocket Game Schedule
4.       Coordinate the end of the year award, as necessary
5.       Coordinate the Rockets coaches meeting & training

6. Members at Large

1. Members at large will provide their experience to move the club forward.
2. Members will assist others with tasks as required for the maintenance of club operations.


Delegation of an Executive Board Member responsibilities or additional responsibilities to another member of LSSC, as long as an agreement is made with the majority of the Executive Board.  This delegation does not absolve the Board Member from their responsibilities of oversight for said duties.

Section 2: The Board of Directors

The Board of Directors shall consist of:

1.       The Executive Board;

2.       Appointed Volunteers. Consisting of, but not limited to, Referee Assignor, Concessions Coordinator, Field Maintenance Coordinator, North County Rep., Social Media Coordinator, etc.

Section 3: Executive Board

1.       Appointed Volunteers shall fill positions as designated by the President. Appointed Volunteers shall serve on the Board of Directors (Officers) until their position is replaced or terminated.

2.       Officers may be removed from their position(s) by a majority vote of the Voting Members, or may resign upon giving 30 days’ notice in writing to the organization.

3.       The decision of the LSSC Executive Board will stand final concerning any and all rules and regulations not set forth in the current Rules and By-Laws.

Article V: Members

1.       A Member of LSSC shall be defined as any Officer, Head Coach, Assistant Coach, Appointed Volunteer, parents of participating players and players of LSSC age 18 and over.

2.       A Voting Member shall be defined as all members of LSSC;

3.       Voting Members shall vote for the Executive Board of LSSC at the annual voting meeting to be held in November, or at such time as the presiding Officers shall decide.

4.       Only one (1) vote per person. No proxy votes are allowed.

Article VI: Coaches

1.       Head Coaches shall be appointed annually by the Executive Board of LSSC, and shall be responsible for their teams and for their actions on the field. Coaches are role models for their teams, and as such, shall exhibit self-control and proper decorum at all times both on the game and practice fields.

2.       Head Coaches or their representatives must attend the following meeting: Season Scheduling Meeting, and Annual Voting Meeting. Unexcused non-attendance at these two meetings shall be considered during selection of coaches for the upcoming year. They should attempt to attend the Regular Meetings during the season.

3.       Head Coaches and/or their Assistant Coaches may be removed from their position during the season if they do not exhibit the citizenship qualities required for their role model positions. If complaints are deemed serious enough, the Board of Officers shall meet to determine the fitness of any Coach, and shall vote on the removal of that Coach. The Coach in question shall be given the opportunity to hear the charges and dispute them.

4.       All Coaches must complete the Risk Management Program prior to working with any youth and keep it current. They are also responsible to have their Assistant Coaches, Managers, and any parent in contact with the players complete the Risk Management Program prior to working with any youth.

Article VII: Meetings

1.       Meetings of the Membership shall be held monthly with the month of December being optional, unless otherwise specified by the President.

2.       All monthly and quarterly meetings shall be open to all Members and to the general public.

3.       Special Meetings may be called at any time by the President or any member of the board after giving 48 hours’ notice to the President. The only business conducted at a special meeting would be the item that the meeting was called for.

4.       Meetings shall be conducted under the Roberts Rules of Order.

Article VIII: Club Colors

1.       Club colors are Royal Blue, Black and White. All teams shall represent LSSC in Club Colors, and uniform selection.

1.1.     The Club may designate a Uniform Combination at the beginning of each year that is considered an alternative Uniform, that a team may purchase on their own, should the team elect to (as a whole).  No team under LSSC, shall be permitted to use a non-approved alternative uniform. 

1.2.     Approval of the Executive Board is required for any team that purchases an alternative uniform, prior to purchase.

2.       Uniforms shall consist of jerseys, shorts and socks. Uniforms may not display any advertising or sponsorship.

2.1.   The official logo for Lake Stevens Soccer Club shall be the only logo that is displayed on a team(s) uniform. 

2.2.   Teams are permitted to apply the players name on the back upper portion of the jersey, so long as it is displayed using an LSSC Approved club color.

3.       Sponsorship may be displayed on privately purchased accessories only.   All Sponsorship shall require approval by the Executive Board of the LSSC.  Sponsorship must be from a business/interest group that has a positive effect on a youth.

Article IX: Fees and Budget

1.       An annual budget shall be prepared prior to the first sign-up date for the upcoming season, and shall be reviewed by the Board of Officers. At such time, the fee to be charged to participants shall be set. Late sign-up fees for those unexcused late signees, (defined as any sign-up after the last scheduled sign-up date) shall also be determined by the budget committee.

Article X: Discipline

1.      All members of LSSC are to uphold the by-laws to the best of their abilities contained herein. As such, members who are found to have violated the by-laws are subject to board sanctioned discipline. The member(s) in question shall be given the opportunity to hear the charges and dispute them.

1.1.   While the by-laws are not an all-encompassing document, a member of LSSC who has been found to be violating the spirit of the By-laws and/or North County Youth Soccer Association By-laws, can be subject to club sanctioned discipline.

Article XI: Amendments to By-Laws

Section 1:

Amendments to these Bylaws, Policies and Regulations can only be voted on at the annual general meeting, special general meeting or any regular or special meeting of the Board of Directors.

Section 2:

Such proposed changes or amendments must be in writing to the Secretary. Copies of the proposed changes will be distributed to all Board of Director members at the next regularly scheduled business meeting for discussion. Proposed changes shall be included in the minutes of the meeting.

Section 3:

Proposed changes must be acted upon at the next regularly scheduled business meeting after being entered into the minutes except for where the length of such changes makes this impractical.

Section 4:

All approved Bylaws changes shall become effective on the first day of the month following approval of the Board. A copy of the revised Bylaws shall be forwarded to LSJAA within 15 days of approval. A copy will be distributed to each Board Member of LSSC.


Lake Stevens Soccer Club

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