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Lake Stevens Soccer Club

Spring 2025 FAQs

1) When is registration and how much does it cost?

  • Registration for Spring 2025 Soccer opens on January 28th!
  • Mod/Rec Program- U8 thru U14  (Birth Year 2017 thru 2011)
    U8 Registration Fee: $55
    U9 - U14 Registration Fee: $65
  • NOTE: Priority registration to return to your Fall 2024 team (if the coach will be coaching) ends on March 1st. Players who register after the 1st will be assigned based on space availability and date of registration.
  • Registration remains open until team rosters are filled.

2) What does the U in U8 mean?

U8 means the player will not turn 8 anytime during the current calendar year.

3) How do I determine my child's age group?

For the Spring 2025 soccer season, your child will play in the same age group as they did for the Fall 2024 season.  Click HERE to see an Age Chart for the Fall 2024/Spring 2025  season.

3) Can my child "play up" or "play down"?

Requests to play up are considered on a case by case basis and are dependent on ability and space being available on a team. Players are not allowed to play down without an exception granted by Washington Youth Soccer.

4) If my child is new to the club, can I request a specific coach or ask that my child be placed on a team with his friends?

Due to the nature of the Spring mini season and the lack of practices, we cannot accept new players. We would love for you to join us for our upcoming Fall 2025 season.

5) What do the designations "Rockets", "Mod" and "Rec" mean?

Rockets is our U5-U7 program for 3 1/2 to 6 year olds. Click here for more information about the Rocket program. (NOTE: This program is not available for the Spring Season)

Mod is short for Modified. This program includes U8-U12, our 7-11 year olds. For more info click here.

Rec is short for Recreational which encompasses the U13-U18/19 groups, players age 12-18. More info is available here.

6) What player equipment does my child need?

Shin guards are required for all  games. Socks need to be long enough to completely cover shin guards. We also highly recommend soccer cleats to prevent slipping on wet and muddy fields. Metal cleats as well as Baseball/football cleats are not permitted because they have a toe spike at the front of the shoe which could injure another player during a slide tackle. An appropriate size ball (see below) is also great to have for warm ups, although your coach will often have balls available for use. Players should bring water to all games.

Ball Sizes by Age Group

U5 thru U8 Size 3
U9 thru U12 Size 4
U13 thru U19 Size 5


7) How do I choose a uniform size for my Mod/Rec player?

Due to the short duration of the Spring Season, we do not offer new uniforms. Please feel free to order a new uniform when registration opens for the upcoming Fall 2025 season.

8) When does the Spring 2025 season begin and end?

  • Games will begin April 12th and continues for six weeks.

9) When and where are practices?

There are no practices during the Spring 2025 season.

10) When and where are games played?

Games are typically played on Saturdays in Lake Stevens, Monroe & Everett. Due to field and referee shortages, some games may be played on Sundays and at other available fields.

To locate Away game field locations we recommend using

11) Can I request a specific day of the week for games?

Schedules are created and maintained by North County. LSSC does not have the ability to request or reschedule game times.

12) Do you offer refunds?

Please see our Refund Policy.


13) When will I hear about my child's team?

Players will be notified of team placement on March 3rd.  Fees are due by March 10th.


14) What can I do to help?

LSSC is a nonprofit organization and depends on volunteers for every aspect of its operations. We are lucky to have great coaches, board members and other volunteers who willingly give their time because they love soccer and want every player to have the best experience possible.

We welcome participation from all LSSC families. Many tasks can be done by middle and high school students and could be applied towards their Community Service requirement. As with all youth sports organizations we require that our volunteers complete a RMA (background check) if they work directly with the kids.

Below are some ideas of how you can help.

On the Team level:

  • Offer to act as Team Parent or Assistant Coach for your child's team
  • Ask your coach where they need help

*Please consider making an offer to help your coach. They are all volunteers and are essential to the success of our club. Don't wait until the end of the season to show your appreciation. Making their job easier throughout the season will result in a better experience for all players and parents.

On the Club level:

  • Act as a Coach, Assistant Coach, or Manager/Team Parent
  • Clean up fields after practices and games
  • Offer to help with fundraising
  • Serve on the Executive Board

Want to volunteer? Contact [email protected].  We would love to have your help!


2024 General FAQs

1) When is registration and how much does it cost?

  • Registration for Fall 2024 Soccer opens  April 22

Rockets Program - U5 thru U7 (Birth Year 2020 thru 2018) - Registration Fee: $90 (includes Rocket jersey).

Mod/Rec Program- U8 thru U19  (Birth Year 2017 thru 2006) - Registration Fee: $145 (does not include uniform)

  • NOTE: If you wish to return to your Fall 2023 team, please ensure your player is registered by June 15th.
  • Late Registration Fee: Beginning June 16th, Registration Fee increases by $35 & players may be wait listed based on space availability.
  • Registration remains open until team rosters are filled.


Rocket players will receive a t-shirt style uniform at their first session.  The cost of the shirt is included in the $90 registration fee. Shorts and socks are not provided.

Mod/Rec uniforms are $41 & include a blue jersey, an alternate white jersey, a pair of shorts and a pair of socks.    Lake Stevens Soccer Club has used the same Mod/Rec uniform style since the Fall 2016 season. If your player was on a Mod/Rec (U8 and up) LSSC team at any point since then and their jerseys and shorts still fit, you do not need to purchase a new uniform. 

What if a player has only outgrown their shorts or jerseys?  We order Mod/Rec uniforms as a complete kit (socks, shorts & 2 jerseys) from our uniform supplier and thus are not able to sell partial uniforms.  If a player only needs new socks we suggest purchasing those through any sporting goods store.  

All players moving from U7 to U8 and those U8 and up that are new to the club will need to purchase a uniform during registration.

If you have questions about whether you should order a uniform please email [email protected]  prior to registration. We cannot provide refunds for uniforms that were ordered in error and there will be a $15 administrative fee for uniform orders placed after player registration.

Please review the size chart shown HERE before ordering. 

2) What does the U in U8 mean?

U8 means the player will not turn 8 anytime during the current calendar year.

3) How do I determine my child's age group?

Click HERE to see an Age Chart for the Fall 2024 season.

4) Can my child "play up" or "play down"?

Requests to play up are considered on a case by case basis and are dependent on ability and space being available on a team. Players are not allowed to play down without an exception granted by Washington Youth Soccer.


5) If my child is new to the club, can I request a specific coach or ask that my child be placed on a team with his friends?

Yes, you can make that request during the registration process. We do our best to accommodate player request but are not always able to do so. Keep in mind, one of the benefits of recreational soccer is making new friends and experiencing new coaches.


6) What do the designations "Rockets", "Mod" and "Rec" mean?

Rockets is our U5-U7 program for 3 1/2 to 6 year olds. Click here for more information about the Rocket program.

Mod is short for Modified. This program includes U8-U12, our 7-11 year olds. For more info click here.

Rec is short for Recreational which encompasses the U13-U18/19 groups, players age 12-18. More info is available here.


7) What player equipment does my child need?

Shin guards are required for all practices and games. Socks need to be long enough to completely cover shin guards. We also highly recommend soccer cleats to prevent slipping on wet and muddy fields. Metal cleats as well as Baseball/football cleats are not permitted because they have a toe spike at the front of the shoe which could injure another player during a slide tackle. An appropriate size ball (see below) is also great to have, although your coach will often have balls available for use during practice. Players should bring water to all practices and games.

Ball Sizes by Age Group

U5 thru U8 Size 3
U9 thru U12 Size 4
U13 thru U19 Size 5


8) How do I choose a uniform size for my Mod/Rec player?

Click here to see the size charts for both jerseys and shorts.


9) If I already have a uniform from last season do I need to purchase a new one?

No, we will use the same uniform style worn since the 2016 season. Only new Mod/Rec players and those transitioning from U7 to U8 (or those who have outgrown their uniforms) will need to purchase new kits for Fall 2024.


10) When does the 2024 season begin and end?

  • Rockets - The Rocket season is scheduled to begin the weekend of August 10th and end the weekend of October 20th.
  • Mod/Rec -Practices are scheduled to begin in late July / early August. Practices typically end by the first week in November due to lack of daylight, but this is up to your coach. Games begin the weekend of Sept 7th & end the weekend of November 10th. 


11) When and where are practices?

  • Typical practice days/times are shown below. 
  • Mod (U8-U12) teams practice either M/W or T/H at 5:00-6:30 or 6:30-8:00 at Lochsloy (6710 147th Ave. N.E. Lake Stevens, WA ).
  • Rec (U13-U18/19) teams practice either M/W or T/H at 5:00-6:30 or 6:30-8:00 at Lake Stevens Community Park (1601 N. Machias Road Lake Stevens, WA 98258).   Depending on the availability of space at the Community Park the club may shift summer practices to school district fields.

Adjustments to the Mod/Rec practice schedule will be made in mid-September and again in mid-October to accommodate the shorter days.


12) Can I request to practice on a specific day of the week?

No, the practice schedule is determined by your child's coach and field availability.


13) When and where are games played?

  • Rockets sessions will be held Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays at Lochsloy.
  • Mod/Rec games are played on either Saturday or Sunday. Half of the games are played on our home fields (Lochsloy and Lake Stevens Community Park). Away games are played on fields in Monroe, Marysville, Everett, Mill Creek and surrounding areas. Because of changes in our League, older teams may be traveling slightly farther than in seasons past. Click HERE for more information.

To locate Away game field locations we recommend using

14) Can I request a specific day of the week for games?

 For U8 ONLY. If you are unable to play on a specific day of the week please include that information during the registration process. Eg. if your child cannot play on Sundays we will do our best to assign them to a U8 team that has most, if not all, of their games on Saturday.

For U9 and up: Game days are pre-set by NCYSA (North County Youth Soccer Association). Requests can not be considered. Click HERE for more information.

LSSC does not determine the game schedules for our Mod/Rec teams. Games are scheduled by NCYSA . Because of the large number of teams involved and the finite number of soccer fields and referees available, it is logistically difficult to make adjustments to the schedule.

15) Do you offer refunds?

Please see our Refund Policy.


16) When will I hear about my child's team?

Rockets coaches will receive their rosters by August 1st. If you do not hear from your coach by August 5th, please reach out to Christina ([email protected]).
Mod/Rec coaches will receive their rosters and practice schedules by the middle of July. If you do not hear from your coach by July 13th please email [email protected]

17) Are scores kept during games?

Scores are not kept and standings will not be posted for teams younger than U11. This places a priority on participation and deemphasizes competition. Beginning at U11, coaches are required to report their scores to NCYSA. This enables them to place the team in the correct competitive division the following year.


18) What can I do to help?

LSSC is a nonprofit organization and depends on volunteers for every aspect of its operations. We are lucky to have great coaches, board members and other volunteers who willingly give their time because they love soccer and want every player to have the best experience possible.

We welcome participation from all LSSC families. Many tasks can be done by middle and high school students and could be applied towards their Community Service requirement. As with all youth sports organizations we require that our volunteers complete a RMA (background check) if they work directly with the kids.

Below are some ideas of how you can help.

On the Team level:

  • Offer to act as Team Parent or Assistant Coach for your child's team
  • Re-line practice fields as needed
  • Re-line game fields the morning of the game
  • Offer to help run drills at practice
  • Ask your coach where they need help

*Please consider making an offer to help your coach. They are all volunteers and are essential to the success of our club. Don't wait until the end of the season to show your appreciation. Making their job easier throughout the season will result in a better experience for all players and parents.

On the Club level:

  • Help line fields and set up goals at the beginning of the season
  • Re-line practice and game fields during the season
  • Act as a Coach, Assistant Coach, or Manager/Team Parent
  • Clean up fields after practices and games
  • Offer to help with fundraising
  • Help close down fields at the end of the season
  • Serve on the Executive Board

Want to volunteer? Contact [email protected] . We would love to have your help!


19) What if I want to coach but don't have any experience?

LSSC welcomes beginning coaches at all levels and offers a variety of resources to help you develop your coaching skills.

Online Resources: Age-specific Player Development Guides and training videos are also posted on our site under Coaches Corner. In addition to the training sessions and Player Guides there are many resources online for youth soccer coaches. Here's some great places to get started.


NCYSA Procedure & Rules of Competition for Recreational Play

FIFA Laws of the Game:

US Soccer Coaching Curriculum

US Youth Soccer Player Development Model

US Women's Youth National Team Program Technical Tests


SoccerHelp Dictionary

National Licenses: Washington Youth Soccer offers a coaching education program aligned with the US Soccer curriculum. These courses are designed to help you understand the characteristics and needs of the youth athlete and plan age-appropriate training sessions and game strategies. LSSC encourages all coaches to pursue education through WYS and will reimburse the course registration fees for those who obtain their F and/or E license and coach a LSSC team during the Fall 2016 session.

For a description of the courses offered by WYS click HERE.

For a list of upcoming course dates in Washington click HERE.


Finally, if you don't feel ready to take on the role of head coach, ask your team's coach if he/she needs an Assistant Coach. This is a great way to get started as a youth soccer coach.


20) Can I bring my friendly dog to practices and games?

Unfortunately, pets of any kind are not allowed on the fields at Lochsloy or Lake Stevens Community Park. This is true even if your dog never leaves your arms! Dogs are allowed in the parking lot but they shouldn't be brought past the fence.

Lake Stevens Soccer Club

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